

  • CATEGORY Veterinary kit

Kit Description

Specific kit for the qualitative, rapid, and targeted detection of Babesia spp. in EDTA blood samples.

Babesi Babesiosi or pyroplasmosis is a parasitic disease transmitted by ticks.

It can result in severe hemolytic anemia and mortality in all susceptible animal species including equines, dogs, ruminants, and numerous other domestic and wild species.

It can result in severe hemolytic anemia and mortality in all susceptible animal species including equines, dogs, ruminants, and numerous other domestic and wild species.

Clinical symptoms can vary depending on the resistance and immune state of the host. Affected subjects face a disintegration of red blood cells and cyclical lysis of the parasite (merozoite) that infects other red blood cells until a massive infestation resulting in hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria, high fever, jaundice and if there is no timely therapy, death.

Le specie maggiormente colpite sono gli equini (sBabesia caballi) dove generalmente come sintomo premonitore si osserva una improvvisa caduta delle prestazioni sportive seguito immediatamente dall’anemia e dall’ittero.

Nei cani la babesiosi è generalmente causata da sBabesia canis, trasmessa dalle zecche, molto diffuse nei nostri paesi, come sRhipicephalus sanguineus.

It is generally very severe and in endemic areas subacute and chronic cases are reported.

La babesiosi dei ruminanti è causata da sBabesia bigemina e sBabesia bovis, viene trasmessa da zecche del genere Boophilus. Anche nei bovini la sintomatologia clinica è decisamente grave e comprende febbre, emoglobinuria, ittero, anemia fino ad arrivare alla morte.

Il kit è stato testato per i seguenti ceppi del genere Babesia: sB. canis, B. rossi, B. gibsoni, B. divergens, B. bovis es B. microti.

*Patent licence nos. WO 00/28082, WO 01/34790, WO 01/77317, WO 02/24902, WO 01/34838 **Industrial patent no. 0001425753 del 09.11.2016

The kit comprises


For rapid DNA extraction and specific gene amplification with LAMP (LOOP-mediated isothermal amplification) technology; **

Badge (RFID)

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology that contains all the information pertinent to the kit, including the batch number and expiration date**

Tablet with ICGENE App

The kit is used with the ICGENE system, resulting in the real-time detection of Babesia spp in blood samples tested.


Automatic interpretation of results

Il sistema permette l’nterpretazione automatica dei risultati, visualizzazione in  tempo reale e disponibilità online. Le scurve sigmoidi in corrispondenza dei campioni positivi (+) indicano la presenza di sBabesia spps. Le srette indicano che i campioni analizzati sono negativi (o) per sBabesia spps.


  • Reagents are included and ready to use
  • Rapid DNA extraction in minutes at controlled temperatures
  • LAMP Technology
  • Tablet with App included to allow results to be read directly
  • Customized solutions for laboratories


  • Portable system design for testing in the field
  • Portable at room temperature
  • Conservation of reagents at between +2° e +8° C
  • Results in maximum 60'
  • Reduction of cross-contamination

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