Offers a quick, simple and reliable solution for molecular analysis in the field of clinical diagnostics
TheICGENE mini is based on LAMP technology and was developed to allow the use of molecular diagnostic techniques without the need for unwieldy laboratory instruments. It is a Real Time amplifier and fluorescence reader which, through a user-friendly Android interface, guides the operator in carrying out the steps to be performed. Working simultaneously with up to 12 samples per run, it takes between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the kits being used, to perform all the steps necessary to attain test results.
The sample identification data is provided by the technician for each sample The identity of the operator and the kit is automatically logged by the RFID technology. The devise is thus able to record all the data necessary for complete traceability of tests. The results are available via tablet and through the ICGENE WEB platform. Data may also be managed via the web.
ICGENE mini is ideal for operations requiring routine quality control and for test laboratory environments where medium scale productivity is required. The same instrument, given its small dimensions, is also ideal for testing in the field. Two different kits are available for field tests. The kits come complete with accessories and are designed for phytopathology tests or water tests.
Automatic interpretation of results
Il sistema permette l’nterpretazione automatica dei risultati, la visualizzazione in tempo reale e la disponibilità online. Le scurve sigmoidi in corrispondenza dei campioni positivi (+) indicano la presenza di quanto ricercato. Le srette indicano che i campioni analizzati sono negativi (o) per il determinato test s.
- Anisakis spp
- Campylobacter coli
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Campylobacter spp
- Cronobacter spp
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- Botrytis cinerea
- Brettanomyces spp
- Citrus tristeza Virus
- Erwinia amylovora
- Flavescence dorèe
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- Campylobacter spp
- Clostridium perfringens
- E.coli O157:H7
- Legionella pneumophila
- Legionella spp
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