Specific kit for the qualitative, rapid and specific detection of Beef (Bos taurus) in food matrices of meat products and work surfaces
- CATEGORY Kit for genetic identification of meat
The meat supply chain is characterized by different products by type of raw material, by processing and by conservation.
Several DNA identification kits targeted for different types of meats have been developed for this supply chain, for GDO compliance and for those interested in gene traceability.
These kits assist in detecting and preventing fraud, and also to check compliance of products with relevant standards or with religious requirements.
Il kit è un valido aiuto per certificare non contaminate, linee di produzione, carni fresche o trasformate, da carni non idonei secondo rito Halal.
*Patent licence nos. WO 00/28082, WO 01/34790, WO 01/77317, WO 02/24902, WO 01/34838 **Industrial patent no. 0001425753 del 09.11.2016
The kit comprises
Automatic interpretation of results
Il sistema permette l’nterpretazione automatica dei risultati, visualizzazione in tempo reale e disponibilità online. Le scurve sigmoidi in corrispondenza dei campioni positivi (+) indicano la presenza di sMaiales. Le srette indicano che i campioni analizzati sono negativi (o) per sMaiales.